Nord Gastro und Hotel 2019

Food and beverage Hotel-restaurant-catering
11 Feb 2019 - 12 Feb 2019
Messe Husum, Husum, Germany
Am Messeplatz 12-18

Nord Gastro und Hotel 2019 has ended

The 2019 edition of Nord Gastro und Hotel has ended on 12.02.2019.

More info on the current Nord Gastro und Hotel edition and your hotel accommodation options can be found below.

About Nord Gastro und Hotel 2019

Nord Gastro und Hotel services multiple sectors from the gastronomical and hospitality industries under its belt. Exhibition halls are divided into several themes to make browsing and networking all the easier. The trade fair ranks high in value as a meeting place for industry representatives in the Northern regions. In terms of product representation, display categories vary greatly from the full lineup of beverages, spirits, coffee, delicacies, foodstuff, baked goods and meat products to cooking utensils, catering supplies, cash systems and restaurant furnishings.

Book your hotel for Nord Gastro und Hotel 2019 in Husum today while keeping your costs minimal. We at ExpoBeds are glad to offer reduced room rates for attendees of the trade show. With a variety of accommodation options in Husum and the nearby towns, we have suggestions for every group size and budget. Request your customised hotel offer for Nord Gastro und Hotel 2019 today.

ExpoBeds is not affiliated with the organiser of this event

Expo Travel Group is an independent tour operator. We provide accommodation to businesses during over 500 international events. Our non-affiliation with the organiser is a guarantee for independence and lack of contract restrictions. This means that we are able to provide our customers the full range of accommodation options in the destinations we cover and be flexible about the terms and conditions we can apply to each booking.

Any names or logos of properties, events or venues may be registered trademarks of their respective holders. Our use of these trademarks does not imply any affiliation with, or endorsement by their owners.

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